Completed research project: Methane for transport and mobility (RMTM)
The completed NRP 70 project is the first time that the main carbon flows in a country have been comprehensively identified and the suitability of certain CO2 sources for the production of synthetic natural gas determined.
Synthetic natural gas (SNG) as a renewable fuel can contribute to sustainable road transport. The technologies and a large part of the infrastructure for this purpose are available today. The two most important parameters that need to be improved are the (life-cycle) CO2 emissions per km and the production costs of SNG – these are the main results of the completed NRP 70 project “Methane for transport and mobility” carried out under Prof. Markus Friedl at the Institute for Energy Technology of the University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil.
According to the findings in this project, the extent to which SNG fuel is used in the future is principally a political rather than a technical issue.