
Webinar-Serie: Forschung für die Schweizer Energiezukunft

Webinar-Serie: Forschung für die Schweizer Energiezukunft

Das erste gemeinsam von swisscleantech und dem Nationalen Forschungsprogramm "Energie" organisierte Webinar zur Schweizer Energiezukunft findet am Donnerstag 30.4. um 16.30 Uhr statt und widmet sich der grundlegenden Frage nach Wahrnehmung und Umsetzung der Transformation des Energiesystems. Es werden Forschungsresultate zur Akzeptanz erneuerbarer Energie, zum Umgang mit der Landschaft sowie zu Bedingungen eines gesellschaftlichen Konsens vermittelt.

4/22/2020 10:00:00 PM

Complementary study "Technical regulation for the building stock" of the NRP "Energy"

Complementary study "Technical regulation for the building stock" of the NRP "Energy"

The role of technical regulations in the transformation of the building stock and its integration into the future energy system (EnTeR).

3/16/2020 11:00:00 PM

Joint synthesis “Geothermal Energy” of the NRP “Energy”

Joint synthesis “Geothermal Energy” of the NRP “Energy”

The Swiss underground offers a multitude of opportunities for supporting the implementation of Energy Strategy 2050.

2/24/2020 11:00:00 PM

Joint synthesis "Sustainable Concrete Structures"

Joint synthesis "Sustainable Concrete Structures"

The research work shows that the CO2 emissions caused by concrete and concrete structures can be reduced by a factor of 4, while the bound grey energy can be decreased significantly.

2/17/2020 11:00:00 PM

Synthesis of the NRP 70 joint project "Electricity Storage via Adiabatic Air Compression"

Synthesis of the NRP 70 joint project "Electricity Storage via Adiabatic Air Compression"

Compressed air energy storage (CAES) covers an output and capacity range similar to that of pumped-storage systems, but offer a number of advantages.

2/4/2020 11:00:00 PM

Transforming the energy system is possible – if we set our minds to it

Transforming the energy system is possible – if we set our minds to it

The NRP 70 and 71 have now ended and published a joint résumé titled “National Research Programme Energy”.

1/14/2020 10:00:00 AM